Louis Davis opened fire on Vilchez vehicle as an expert shooter and intentionally shot and struck the drivers side not the passengers side as Louis Davis states.

 Louis Davis states he is aiming for the passenger side rear tire while shooting at Vilchez's van. Louis Davis states he is a trained expert shooter from the military (Page 45 Line 2-3) followed by more military weapons training in the reserves. He then was given more training working for corrections before being FIRED. Louis Davis states "that’s been my whole training" (Page 45 Line 9). Forensic Report from the Orange County Sheriff's Department shows 4 bullet holes in Vilchez vehicle, 2 in back and 2 in side. Both bullet holes in back of Vilchez's vehicle are on the drivers side, not the passengers side.

 Louis Davis was in possession of 2 handguns when arrested. His car had a black "Husky" knife, a single round from a .38 cal and Four 12 Gauge shotgun shells according to the Forensic Report from the Orange County Sheriff's Department on Louis Davis vehicle. The amount of weapons and ammo in possession by Louis Davis demonstrates he is not a "newbie".

Louis Davis Deposition from April 13, 2010 Page 44

17          Q. Okay. All right. And tell me a little bit about

18        your, I guess, your experience shooting firearms.

19          A. Well, I always had an interest in going into

20        the military actually.

21          Q. Uh-.huh.

22          A. And then law enforcement So I joined the

23        Sheriffs Explorers back in high school.

24          Q. Okay.

25          A. So that was one of my first initial training in

Page 45

1          shooting a weapon. From there I went to the military.

2          And my job was strictly weapons. 1 was an expert

3          shooter.

4                      After the military -- I did almost four years in

5          the military, and got out and did reserve. I was an

6          expert AR/MI 6, so forth. Went in corrections. And I

7          was also trained with weapons there also.

8            Q. Okay.

9            A. So that’s been my whole training.